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2 Peas and a Dog

Pet Memes Narrative Writing Assignment

Pet Memes Narrative Writing Assignment

Regular price $5.00 CAD
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Total Pages: 15 pages
Answer Key: Rubric only
Teaching Duration: 1 Week
File Size: 3 MB
File Type: Zip

Spark Creativity and Writing Skills with Pet Memes Narrative Writing Assignment!

In this engaging assignment, students will unleash their creativity by crafting hilarious pet memes using 105 different pet memes templates. By adding witty captions to photos of adorable pets, they'll tap into their sense of humour while learning the art of concise storytelling. But the fun doesn't stop there! Students will then select their favourite pet photo and embark on a writing journey. With the "Day in the Life" narrative piece, they'll bring their chosen pet to life, weaving a tale filled with imagination and emotion.

This comprehensive resource also provides a detailed teacher lesson plan, ensuring smooth implementation and maximum educational value. With our levels-based rubric and points-based marking sheet, assessing your students' progress has never been easier.

What's more, the Pet Memes Narrative Writing Assignment is adaptable for multiple grade levels, allowing you to tailor it to your students' needs. Whether you're teaching sixth, seventh, or eighth grade, this versatile lesson is a perfect fit!

This resource is available in print and digital formats to suit your teaching style and classroom needs.

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What’s Included

  1. Detailed Teacher Instructions
  2. 105 Pet Memes Templates
  3. 2 Assignments - Meme Creation &Creative Writing
  4. Exemplars
  5. Assessment Rubrics

Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to make narrative writing engaging and unforgettable for your middle school students. Purchase the Pet Memes Narrative Writing Assignment today and witness the power of creativity and storytelling in action!

Teacher Feedback 

  1. “Even my students who are usually hesitant writers, or usually write very minimal did an AMAZING job with this resource! I was so impressed. They had so much fun with it, and I loved seeing their imagination come to life with their stories!”
  2. “This resource was clear and easy to use for all students. Creative way of getting students to write, especially those that have difficulty writing.”
  3. “The memes were so popular in my classroom. This assignment was perfect.  Students were engaged and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I love everything from 2peasandadog.”

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